The 10 Greatest Bands...Ever.
"Who's your favorite band?" An unanswerable question to any music lover. That's always been a tough one for me anyways, a question that my immediate family and friends have long learned to avoid. I have never even been able to give a straight answer to the question that usually precedes that one: "What's your favorite type of music?" Well, now I am breaking the taboo, I would like to know: Who are your top 10 favorite bands? I'm not sure how to kick this all off (I wouldn't dare start by trying to list my top 10... not yet), but here is a Top Ten list from MSNBC. I found there were a couple of suprises here, some names that would and some that wouldn't appear on my list, but its a good catalyst anyways. Ladies and Gentlemen, the polls are now open, let your voice be heard!
- The Beatles
- The Rolling Stones
- U2
- The Grateful Dead
- Velvet Underground
- Led Zeppelin
- The Ramones
- Pink Floyd
- Bob Marley and The Wailers
- Sly and The Family Stone
PS: This challenge will be soon followed by others such as greatest songs, classic rock bands, 80's bands, grunge rock, etc. So, if you're on the fence with one of your favorites, you can always use them later.
1. Beatles
1. Led Zeppelin
1. Phish
1. Grateful Dead
1. Allman Brothers
1. Pink Floyd
1. Little Feat
8. U2 (My First Concert!)
9. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
10. REO Speedwagon/Journey (tie)
That one was Adam's by the way (not sure how obvious that was)
This is a difficult question you have posed my friends. By greatest, do you mean the bands that achieved the most or the ones who most moved me. The ones who sent chillls spiraling down my spine, who made me yawp barbaracilly the ones who took you on some kind of whole new wacked out journey in the 4 or so minutes it took them to play that song. If so. would that be then or now. For example, before I had heard hardly any music, I bought a little eight track called Paradise theatre by a litttle outfit called Styx. Now at the time I thought, My God, the brilliance it took to write and arange a song like The Best Of Times. However, having recentlly aquired the cassette in a bin at goodwill, when I listen to that music now, it makes me want to vomit profusely. But, I thought it might be fun to give you the breakdown of my greatest bands by age or era and progress to the present.
My greatest bands from then to now.
1. Styx
2. Jethro Tull (caught Aqualung on MtV's closet classics and bought the record in the 3.00 bin at Record Exchange) Stll a fan
3. The Doors (took me a while to realize that Jim Morrison was just an old drunk and not some bewitched Buddah trying to tell me the meaning of life while lamenting his c***)
4.Suicidal Tendencies (I was an angry young man)
5, The Smiths (I was a depressed Young Man.
6. The Cure (Might have been angry and depressed but at least I could laugh about it while smearing my face with lipstick between caterwauls)
7. Bob Marley and the Wailers (discovered in the late eighties and thought I was the only person who knew about this guy, things were getting happier)
8. The Dead Milkmen- (ha ha, Man, they still crack me up)
9. The Greatful Dead- This friend dragged me to a show in a VW van with a window missing when it was 30 degrees, made me suck on a balloon, eat paper, dance in the first drum circle I had ever seen, eat yard o' beef cooked over an open fire in Downtown Atlanta, give the rest of my money away to Bail two guys out of jail, and buy a grilled cheese with a shot of Jager) And all that was before I got into the show and saw Jerry smile before ripping it to hell in a bucket. Whew, I enjoyed the ride.
10. Sublime-just freshness,
11. (sorry I can't stop at 10) Woody Guthrie, not really a band but what a profound influence on my life.
12. Michael Jackson-(yeah I know, just can't help myself hoooheee)
13. Jim Tanner and One Leg Up
Oh and my most hated band of all, the band that is ugly boil on the back of music, the band who's evil should never have been let out of the garage, the band that disgust me, sickens me and torments my dreams, may they never be heard again, Amen
Led Zepplin
gag, retch and coughing up phlem.
Nicole of Nicole and Adam...
1. Talking Heads
2. Prince and The New Power
3. Fleetwood Mac
4. Queen
5. Little Feat
6. Radiohead
7. U2 circa Joshua Tree
8. The Flaming Lips
9. Rush
10. Alright...fine. The Beatles
Fear not brother, we'll break it down into specific genres for the next challenge, just try not to forget about them...
In an effort not to reiterate the common themes on this thread, I'd like to add a band or two that may deserve a mention.
The Clash
White Stallian!
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